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Vordingborg Tøjbytte
23. marts 2019 @ 11:00 - 14:00
Recycle & Enjoy new clothes in the coming spring season!
Do you have some clothes that you do not like or use anymore? You need something new for the coming spring season, but do not want to spend money?
Are you thinking about selling, donating, giving away or just throwing out your old things, but somehow it is at the bottom of your ´´To do´´ list?
Here comes the solution: The Swap.
The Swap is an event, where you can exchange your no longer needed clothing/objects for other pieces of things with and join the´´swappers community´´.
It might seem to be a flea market hunt, the only difference is that you do NOT need money. You agree with the others what and how to exchange, while you keep your good conscience about the environment.
More swappers = Bigger choice
Why to spend money on new things when you can swap?
Stay updated & keep swapping!